Crazy About Selections

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Crazy About Selections Tutorial

Download Tutorial Here and Supplies Here

Things Needed:
 CoolPaint Shop Pro (This was done using verson 9 but other versions should work)
 Smile2 Graphics...
**The first one must be square in shape to prevent it from being distorted..
**The second one must be at least 500 pixels wide. This graphic MUST be wider than taller also. Please do not try this tutorial with a taller rather than wider graphic because the results will not be as I intended them to be for this tutorial...
SealedMy Supplies (Which include my selections and tube. Silver Beads Pattern is also included) can be downloaded at the link above and also Here...

Please Note that all settings remain the same unless otherwise stated

 1.  Before opening PSP, please unzip Supplies and put the selections in your Selections folder and the Silver Beads Pattern in your Patterns Folder in PSP...

 2.  Open both graphics and tube in PSP

 3.  Duplicate both images once and close out originals

 4.  Minimize the tube. Make the square graphic active and go to Edit/Copy and minimize for now...

 5.  Make sure your Large (main) graphic is the active image...
Image/Resize and resize your graphic to 475 pixels wide: Height will self adjust with settings below...

 6.  Adjust/Sharpness/Sharpen

 7.  Selections/Select All

 8.  Selections/Modify/Contract by 4

 9.  Selections/Invert

10.  Set your foreground palette to the Silver Beads Pattern and your Background to a color of your choosing from your graphic. This color will also be used for your stationery background.

11.  Flood fill with your silver beads pattern

12.  Selections/Select None

13.  Layers/Promote Background Layer

14.  Image/Cavas Size and add 50 pixels to both
the width and height of your graphic. Placement is middle arrow...

15.  Layers/New Raster Layer

16.  Selections/Load Save Selections/Load From Disk and choose the 1Boxx_JM Selection

17.  Flood Fill this selection with the silver beads

18.  Selections/Modify/Contract by 4

19.  Edit/Paste/Paste Into Selection

20.  Select None

21.  Layers/New Raster Layer

22.  Layers/Arrange/Send to bottom

23.  Flood Fill this Bottom layer with your chosen background color from your image...

24.  Make sure the top layer is the active layer and go to Layers/New Raster Layer

25.  Selections/Load Save Selections/Load From Disk and select the 2Boxx_JM

26.  Flood fill with the Silver Beads

27.  Selections/Modify/Contract by 4

28.  Flood Fill with your background color

29.  Effects/Texture Effects/Blinds:

30.  Because not all graphics are going to be the same size or work out perfectly, you may need to move this box and position it at the bottom of your graphic:

31.  Close out bottom layer and make your top layer active and go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible

32.  Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow using
V&H=2, Opacity=50, Blur=2, Color=Black

33.  Open your bottom layer back up and go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible

34.  Layers/New Raster Layer

35.  Selections/Load Save Selections and choose the 3Chain_JM Selection

36.  Flood fill with the Silver Beads

37.  Selections/Select None
(If this doesn't match up to your graphic you may have to position it so it does. And if it covers a part of your graphic just move it over a bit)

38.  Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow using
V&H=2, Opacity=50, Blur=2, Color=Black

39.  Make the Key & Locket tube active and go to
Edit/Copy (You can either minimize this now or close it out)

40.  Back to your main image and Edit/Paste/Paste As A New Layer and position it at the bottom of the chain we just created...

41.  Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow

42.  Layers/New Raster Layer

43.  Selections/Load Save Selections and load the 4Chain_JM

44.  Flood Fill with the silver beads and go
to Selections/Select None

45.  Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow

46.  (Again if this doesn't look centered on your side, you may have to move it into position).  Then go to Layers/Duplicate

47.  Image/Mirror

48.  Layers/New Raster Layer

49.  Selections/Load Save Selections and load the 5Chain_JM

50.  Flood Fill with the silver beads

51.  Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow

52.  Selections/Select None

53.  Layers/New Raster Layer

54.  Selections/Load Save Selections and load the 6Chain_JM

55.  Flood Fill with the silver beads

56.  Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow and then
Selections/Select None

57.  You may need to position this at the bottom of your graphic (see my header as reference)

58.  Image/Mirror

59.  Layers/Merge/Merge Visible

60.  Now you can add the text you want to the bottom box. After you have added it you can use a drop shadow of:
V&H=1, Opacity=40, Blur=2, Color=Black

61.  Add your watermark and go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible
Go to File/Export and Export it to the JPEG Optimizer and Optimize at 10 or 15 (Depending on how clear your graphic will look). Sometimes If I find that my graphic isn't crisp and clear I will save it as a gif instead :)


 1.  Open a new image 100x350 (transparent)

 2.  Flood Fill with your chosen background color

 3.  Layers/New Raster Layer

 4.  Selections/Load Save Selections/ and load the 4Chain_JM

 5.  Flood Fill with Silver Beads

 6.  Selections/Select None

 7.  Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow:
V&H=2, Opacity=50, Blur=2, Color=Black

 8.  Layers/Duplicate

 9.  Image/Mirror

10.  Layers/Merge/Merge Visible

11.  Layers/New Raster Layer

12.  Selections/Load Save Selections and load the 7Chain_JM

13.  Flood Fill w/Silver Beads

14.  Selections/Modify/Contract by 4

15.  Flood fill with your background color or another color from your graphic

16.  Selections/Select None

17.  Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow

18.  Layers/Merge/Merge Visible

19.  Image/Canvas Size and canvas it 1400x350
Placement is left middle arrow

20.  Layers/New Layers and move this new layer to the bottom

21.  Flood Fill this new layer with your background color

22.  Layers/Merge/Merge Visible
Export it to the JPEG Optimizer with same settings or save it which ever way you would like to :)

Arrange in Letter Creator and Credit Tutorial back to Jodi M at:

Thank you to my testers at Crazy Creative Creators!!
I hope you enjoyed my tutorial :0)

Please feel free to snag and share my tutorials after they have been released but please credit back to me in the footer..

If you are a tutorial writer and you would like to use my selections, masks, or other things please email me at

I do allow it, but I require a link back in your tutorial to my website here:

Jodi M