Arctic Blast Stationery Set Tutorial

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Arctic Blast Stationery Set Tutorial

Download Tutorial Here and Supplies Here

Things Needed:
**PSP...This was done using V9 but other versions should work as well
**Mezzoforce Ice - Arctic Plugin
**Gold Beads Pattern
**Gold Pattern Fill
**Graphic of your choice (must be 450 pixels in width)
~~Download Supplies either at link above or Here~~

Before opening PSP, install the plugin to your PSP/Plugin folder and the Patterns into your PSP/Patterns folder

Please note that all settings remain the same throughout the tutorial unless otherwise stated
 1.  Open your graphic in PSP. It needs to be 450 pixels wide. If it is not, please resize using smart resize..
(After resizing you may need to sharpen your graphic by going to adjust/sharpness/sharpen)
Also, please set your foreground to your Gold Beads Pattern and your background as your Gold Pattern...

 2.  Edit/Copy and then Edit/Paste and paste as a new image (you can now minimize the original incase we need it later for your clipboard)

 3.  Image add borders and add a 2 pixel symetric border in white or a color not in your graphic

 4.  Select this border with your magic wand with the following settings:
Mode=Replace, Match Mode=RGB Value, Tolerance=0, Sample Merged and Contiguous both checked, Feather=0.....Anti-Alias is Not checked

 5.  Flood fill border with the gold beads pattern and Select None

 6.  Image/Add Borders and add a 2 pixel symetric border in black

 7.  Image/Add Borders and add a 2 pixel symetric border in white

 8.  Select your white border with the magic wand and flood fill with the Gold Pattern and select none

 9.  Image/Add borders and add a 2 pixel symetric black border

10.  Image/Add borders and add a 2 pixel symetric border in white

11.  Select border with your magic wand and flood fill with the Gold Beads Pattern and select none

12.  Image/Add Borders and add a 10 pixel border in white

13.  Select border with your magic wand

14.  Edit/Paste/Paste Into Selection

15.  Effects/Reflection Effects/Kaleidoscope

16.  Effects/Plugins/2Manenkai Mezzoforce Ice - Arctica

17.  Effects/3D Effects/Inner Bevel

18.  Selections/Select None

19.  Image/Add Borders and add a 2 pixel white border

20.  Select with magic wand and flood fill with your gold beads and select none

21.  Image/Add Borders and add a 2 pixel black border

22.  Image/Add Borders and add a 2 pixel white border

23.  Select with magic wand and flood fill with the Gold Pattern and select none

24.  Image/Add Borders and add a 2 pixel black border

25.  Image/Add Borders and add a 2 pixel white border

26.  Select with magic wand and flood fill with the Gold Beads Pattern and Select None

27.  Image/Add Borders and add a 15 pixel white border

28.  Edit/Paste/Paste Into Selection

29.  Effects/Reflection Effects/Kaleidoscope

30.  Effects/Plugin Effects/Mezzoforce Ice - Arctica

31.  Effects/3D Effects/Inner Bevel and select none

32.  Repeat Steps 19 through 26 but make all borders 3 pixels instead of 2....

33.  Add your watermark and/or any text you would like (optional) and go to File/Export and Export to the JPEG Optimizer and Optimize at 20 or a setting of your choice

(If you are going to make a tag out of this you can minimize for now, otherwise just close it out if you are done with it)


1.  Open a new raster image 50x300

 2.  Selections/Select All

 3.  Paste/Paste Into Selection (this should be your minimized graphic from the beginning. If it isn't in your clipboard anymore, please bring it back up and copy it once more...

 4.  Selections/Select None

 5.  Effects/Plugins and apply the Mezzoforce Ice - Arctica

 6.  Effects/Image Effects/Seamless and make sure the settings are on Corner and Vertical (Transition is at 50)

 7.  Effects/3D Effects/Inner Bevel

 8.  Effects/Image Effects/Seamless Tile

 9.  Image/Canvas Size and canvas size 54 wide (Height stays the same) and
placement is in the middle

10.  Layers/Add New Raster Layer and flood fill with your Gold Beads Pattern

11.  Layers/Arrange/Send To Bottom

12.  Image/Canvas Size and canvas size it
56 wide (Height stays the same) and placement is in the middle

13.  Layers/New Raster Layer and flood fill it black

14.  Layers/arrange/Send to bottom

15.  Image/Canvas Size and Canvas size it 60 wide (Height Stays the same)

16.  Layers/New Raster and flood fill it with the Gold Pattern

17.  Layers/Arrange/Send To Bottom

18.  Layers/Merge/Merge Visible

19.  Image/Canvas Size and Canvas size 1400x300...Click on the Left Middle Arrow for Placement and then change the Left to 10:

20.  Effects/3D Effects Drop Shadow (Make Sure Drop Shadow On A New Layer is Checked)

21.  Effects/Image Effects/Seamless Tiling and use the same settings as before

22.  Layers/Merge/Merge Visible

23.  Layers/New Raster Layer

24.  Move this layer to the bottom and flood fill with a color from your graphic

25.  Layers/Merge/Merge All and export and save....
Assemble in Letter Creator and Please credit tutorial back to me at

Thank you for trying my tutorial and I hope your results were great ones!!
Please feel free to snag and share my tutorials after they have been released but please credit back to me in the footer..
If you are a tutorial writer and you would like to use my selections, masks, or other things please email me at

I do allow it, but I require a link back in your tutorial to my website here:
Jodi M