Perfect ZZs Stationery Tutorial

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Perfect ZZs Stationery Tutorial

Download Tutorial Here and Supplies Here

Things Needed
**Paint Shop Pro (this was done using v.9)
**Kiwi (Zig-Zack) Plugin found Here
**Simple Filter (Top Left Mirror) found Here
**Graphic of your choice (one that is wider rather than tall will work best)
**My tubes (Diamond Line and Corner) and the gold beads pattern found Here

~Please install the plugins before opening up Paint Shop Pro~

~The Gold Beads Pattern goes in your PSP/Patterns folder too~

**All Settings Remain the same throughout tutorial unless otherwise noted**


 1.  Open your graphic and the two tubes I have supplied in Paint Shop Pro.
Your graphic should be no wider than 450 pixels wide. If it is, please go to Image/Resize and resize using Smart Resize. Make sure Lock Aspect Ratio is checked and also Resize all layers....and then Adjust/Sharpness/Sharpen if you have resized.

 2.  Edit/Copy your graphic and then Edit/Paste/Paste as a new image (you can now minimize the original and the two tubes)

 3.  With your eye dropper tool, select a Medium/Dark color from your graphic. This will be the color of your background. Please do not choose black though or anything that dark.
~Optional: I like to open a new raster image 100x100 and flood fill with the color I have chosen and I place it in the upper left hand corner of my workspace. This is so I have my color choice saved incase it should magically disappear from my color
...Set the color you have chosen as your background in your color palette and for the foreground, set it as the Gold Beads Pattern...

 4.  Working on your graphic, go to Image/Add Borders and add a 2 pixel symetric border in white or a color not in your graphic.

 5.  Select this border with your magic wand tool. Tool Settings:
Mode=Replace, Match Mode=RGB Value, Tolerance=0, Sample Merged and Contiguous both checked, Feather=0, Anti-Alias is Not checked

 6.  Flood fill with the gold beads pattern and select none

 7.  Image/Add Borders/Add a 1 pixel black border

 8.  Image/Add Borders and Add a 20 pixel border in white

 9.  Select with magic wand tool and go to Edit/Paste/Paste into selection (this should be your graphic that is in the clipboard)

10.  Effects/Plugins/Kiwi's Oelfilter/Zig-Zack with the following settings:

11.  Edit/Copy and then Select None

12.  Image/Add Borders and add a 2 pixel white border

13.  Select with magic wand and flood fill with the gold beads pattern and Select None

14.  Image/Add Borders and add a 1 pixel black border

15.  Image/Add Borders and add a 20 pixel white border

16.  Select with Magic Wand and then go to
Edit/Paste/Paste into selection

17.  Image/Flip and then Image/Mirror and Select None

18.  Image/Add Borders and add a 2 pixel white border. Select it with the magic wand and flood fill with the gold beads and Select None

19.  Image/Add Borders and add a 1 pixel black border

20.  Image/Add Borders and add a 2 pixel white border. Select it with the magic wand and flood fill with the gold beads pattern and Select None

21.  Now bring up the Diamond Beaded Corner tube. Go to edit/copy and then edit/paste/paste as a new layer on your Header/Frame (and place it in the top left corner of your Header/Frame)

22.  Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow using the following settings:
V=2, H=-2, Opacity=70, Blur=3, Color=Black

23.  Effects/Plugins/Simple/Top Left Mirror

24.  Layers/Merge/Merge Visible

25.  Before you add any optional text and watermark to your header, we need to do a custom selection to  make our background...

The Background

 1.  Click on your Selection Tool, and then Custom Selection with the following settings:

**For beginners, you find your custom selection by clicking on your selection tool. This tool is found with your Magic Wand. You may need to click on the arrow to pull down the little menu where your Magic Wand is (there should be 3 there. The Magic Wand, Selection, and your Freehand or Lasso Tool). Once you click on your Selection Tool, look at the top in PSP and you will see the Custom Selection box. Click on this and enter the numbers I have given**

 2.  Edit/Copy and then Edit/Paste and Paste as a new image

 3.  Back to your Header/Frame and go to Selections/Select None...Now add your optional text and watermark. When you are done please go to File/Export and Export to the JPEG Optimizer and Optimize at 15 to 20 or whatever you prefer..We are now done with the header :)

 4.  Now you should have your custom selection side piece as your active image. Go to Image/Mirror

 5.  Effects/Image Effects/Seamless Tile using Corner and Vertical

 6.  Bring up the Diamonds Line tube that you minimized earlier and go to edit/copy (you can now close this out)

 7.  Back to your image and go to Edit/Paste/Paste as a new layer

 8.  You may have to click on your mover tool and gently click on the tube layer to make it active (Don't move it though)..
Next on your keyboard, use the left arrow and tap it 5 times to move this diamond line tube layer over 5 spaces

 9.  Layers/Merge/Merge Visible

10.  Image/Canvas Size 1400x 295 Placement is left middle arrow (if you use a wider screen resolution, please adjust the width to accomodate your settings)

11.  Effects/3D Effects/Drop Shadow:

12.  Effects/Image Effects/Seamless Tiling and tile using Corner and Vertical.
 Then go to Layers/Merge/Merge Visible

13.  Layers/New Raster Layer and move it to the bottom

14.  Flood fill with your Medium/Dark color you have chosen

15.  Effects/Texture Effects/Fine Leather:

16.  Layers/Merge/Merge All (Flatten) and export to JPEG Optimizer and optimize at 15 to 20 or whatever works best for you...

Arrange in Letter Creator and please link tutorial back to me at 

Please feel free to snag and share my tutorials after they have been released but please credit back to me in the footer..

If you are a tutorial writer and you would like to use my selections, masks, or other things please email me at

I do allow it, but I require a link back in your tutorial to my website here:   

Thanks to my testers at
CCC Testers too...You are the best!! 

Jodi M